So OK... this is going to be a completely shameless family ego boast.....I am not sure how many friends and family will actually read this but, Lord knows I need something else to do beside being on Facebook.. So first off I guess I should start at the being.....
Bob and I met on the Internet, No... stop... not in one of those sites...
We where both going Thur messy divorces, and where on Yahoo chat. The honest truth was his screen name was siren_man and just the week before I had met this super cutie Firefighter when I took my Clients to the Canton fire station in my mind it was that hottie with his ahhh Hose lol....
But anyway we started chatting about our exes we both where the products of spouses that had cheated, needless to say we were both super low feeling. We chatted on Yahoo chat for a few months, then he asked if he could met me in person. My first thought was he was some Internet stalker that was going to kill me and leave me dead in an alley.. Boy I was wrong lol Bob was and is to date the sweetest man I have ever known..I just don't have to say that because he's my husband...Almost everyone that knows him thinks he's a nice guy.
We met in public (for that Stalker reason). He met me at the Walmart parking lot right I know how Redneck but come on we all know how busy Walmart is.... I had dated someone before Bob that was going thur a divorce but then he had made up with his wife and kicked me to the curb so this time I told Bob I would not go out on one date with unless he was completely divorced.
So here I come out of my little white car to this big black truck and in my head this crazed Internet killer, was sitting there shaking with fear with a dozen roses, a teddy bear, and a copy of his divorce papers.....
Needless to say that was the start of what became the Long family....that was July 2004..